Last June 30 to July 3, 2021, we the young formands, together with our respective formators, had an encounter at the Provincial House in Quezon City. The encounter was facilitated by Sr. Puri Tañedo.

The opportunity to share, reflect and pray together deepen the camaraderie among us, sustaining our common journey to follow our Good Shepherd. Surely, what is written in the Letter to the Hebrew 4:12 “The word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit” was esteemed in our three-day formands’ encounter. Through the aid of the Holy Spirit, we were able to see the light of who Jesus is according to the synoptic Gospels and to be fix our gaze more on him as we continue with our formative journey.
Our encounter brought us joy, tested our patience and examined our ‘yes’ to Him, putting the Word of God in the center. We strive to keep the fire of love burning and show our care for each one by embracing our strengths and accepting our limitations. With all these, we hope to be able to live what Jesus said, “Love one another as I have loved you” (John 13:34).
Nov. Leini Margaret G. Billones